Shu Itsuki / Toys and Childhood 2

Shu: However, whether it is playing house or anything else... As far as children are concerned, I am sure that a toy will make them excited.
Shu: That feeling of anticipation— I think I can understand it, as well.
Shu: ...Since I was a young child, I had an avid intellectual curiosity. I held an interest in many things.
SELECT: I see.
Shu: Indeed. The inquisitiveness and sense of adventure that I held as a child still resides within me, despite my having grown up.
Shu: It is said that, "the soul of a child at three is the same at one hundred", or something of the like. As anyone can tell, they may continue to exist within me for the rest of my life.
SELECT: For example?
Shu: Hmm, that's right. I occasionally tried to play some prohibited games.
Shu: ...What are you so surprised about? Even if prohibited, it is still simply something children do.
SELECT I'd like to see.
Shu: You wish to know what I looked like as a child? I destroyed all of my early childhood photos, but it is possible that my parents are hiding some.
Shu: Leaving that aside, what was your childhood like? Do not simply listen to what others have to say; talk a little about yourself, as well.